De Deerhound


De Deerhound, ook wel de ruwharige Hooglandse Windhond genaamd, is een oud ras. Hij werd vooral in Schotland voor de jacht op wolven en herten gebruikt. In de Schotse bergen zijn nog steeds plaatsen die de naam dragen van honden die tijdens de jacht zijn omgekomen.

Algemeen voorkomen
Hij ziet eruit als een ruwharige Greyhound, maar is groter en heeft zwaardere botten. Zijn bouw getuigt van kracht, uithoudingsvermogen en snelheid. Met de veranderingen in de wijze van jagen heeft het ras door de eeuwen heen de nodige ontwikkelingen doorgemaakt, maar eigenschappen als trouw en bescheidenheid zijn gebleven.

reuen minimaal 76 cm; teven minimaal 71 cm

reuen ongeveer 45,5 kg; teven ongeveer 36,5 kg

Een ruige vacht die vast aanligt en stug of hard aanvoelt. Het haar moet 7 – 10 cm lang zijn. Het haar op hoofd, buik en borst is zachter. Meestal donker blauwgrijs; ook andere grijstinten, gestroomd, zandkleurig of vaalrood komen voor.

Zichtjager, gezelschap.

Zo nu en dan komt heupdysplasie voor.

Waardig, vriendelijk en zacht, verstandig en gehoorzaam, maar met de nodige jachtpassie. De Deerhound is gesteld op mensen en is trouw aan zijn eigen gezin. Toch is hij niet bijzonder waaks en blaft hij weinig. Hij leert vrij snel, omdat hij het zijn baas - op basis van wederzijds respect - graag naar de zin maakt.

Een regelmatige borstelbeurt is voldoende om de vacht in goede conditie te houden.

bron RvB

Scottish Deerhound Standard London 1994

Resembles a roughcoated greyhound of larger size and bone. - The build suggests the unique combination of speed, power and endurance necessary to pull down a stag, but general bearing is one of gentle dignity.

Gentle and friendly. Obedient and easy to train because eager to please. Docile and good tempered, never suspicious, aggressive or nervous. Carries himself with quiet dignity.

Broadest at ears, tapering slightly to eyes, muzzle tapering more decidedly to nose, lips level. Head long, skull flat rather than round, with very slight rise over eyes, with no stop. Skull coated with moderately long hair, softer than rest of coat. Nose slightly aquiline and black. In lighter coloured dogs black muzzle preferred. Good moustache of rather silky hair and some beard.

Dark. Generally dark brown or hazel. Light eyes undesirable. Moderately full with a soft look in repose, but keen, far-away look when dog is roused. Rims black.

Set on high and in repose folded back. In excitement raised above head without losing the fold and in some cases semi-erect. A big thick ear hanging flat to the head or a prick ear most undesirable. Ear soft, glossy and like a mouse's coat to the touch; the smaller the better, no long coat or fringe. Ears black or dark coloured.

Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.

Very strong with good reach sometimes disguised by mane. Nape of neck very prominent where head is set on, no throatiness.

Shoulders well laid, not too far apart. Loaded and straight shoulders undesirable. Forelegs straight, broad and flat, a good broad forearm and elbow being desirable.

Body and general formation that of a greyhound of larger size and bone. Chest deep rather than broad, not too narrow and flat-sided. Loin well arched and drooping to tail. Flat topline undesirable.

Drooping, broad and powerful, hips set wide apart. Hind legs well bent at stifle with great length from hip to hock. Bone broad and flat.

Compact and well knuckled. Nails strong.

Long, thick at root, tapering and reaching almost to ground. When standing dropped perfectly straight down or curved. Curved when moving, never lifted above line of back. Well covered with hair; on upper side thick and wiry, on under side longer, and towards end a slight fringe is not objectionable. A curl or ring tail undesirable.

Easy, active and true, with a long stride.

Shaggy, but not overcoated. Woolly coat unacceptable. The correct coat is thick, close-lying, ragged; harsh or crisp to the touch. Hair on body, neck and quarters harsh and wiry about 7 cm (3 ins) to 10 cm (4 ins) long; that on head, breast and belly much softer. A slight hairy fringe on inside of fore and hind legs.

Dark blue-grey, darker and lighter greys or brindles and yellows, sandy-red or red fawns with black points. A white chest, white toes and a slight white tip to stern are permissible but the less white the better, since it is a self-coloured dog. A white blaze on head or white collar unacceptable.

Minimum desirable height:
Dogs 76 cms (30 ins) at withers
Bitches 71 cms (28 ins) at withers
Weight: Dogs about 45.5 kg (100 lbs)
Bitches about 36.5 kg (80 lbs)

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.